Clothing Hanger
These hangers were made with old wood that was going to waste. By using this wood for hangers, they are able to be sturdy and have multiple purposes while also looking aesthetic and lightweight.
16 in x 8.5 in
Made with repurposed wood
Personal Project
Design brainstorm
The Initial brainstorming process for the hangers. This was a way for me to know what elements I needed to incorporate and what might not work.
Drawing designs
First drawings and designs for the hangers.
Detailed design
I continued with a simple design that allowed the hanger to be aesthetic while also being functional. This is the original drawing of how I pictured the hanger to function.
First model
First model I created from cardboard. I was able to determine that the dimensions were not equal and the design was too thin.
Second design
Drawing of my edited design after creating the first model. It shows what needed to be improved and what changes needed to be made on the second model.
Final design
Final design of the hangers, showing the ways items can be hung.