Cardboard Lighting Fixture

The purpose of this project was to create an aesthetic lighting fixture that produces light in a unique way. The lamp is easy to move around and use, can be molded to different shapes, and was made using inexpensive materials.

8 in x 8 in x 12 in

Made from cardboard and fishing line

personal project

Brainstorm of lamp design

This is an image of my first brainstorm for the lamp, the first part of my design process.

Detailed sketch of first design

Detailed sketch of an idea for the lamps design.

Detailed sketch of second design

Detailed sketch of my second idea.

Detailed sketch of third design

Detailed sketch of another lamp design.

Sticky note model

I continued with the third design and used sticky notes to create the design I wanted for the lamp. This allowed me to have an idea of what the lamp may look like when put together.

First cardboard model

First cardboard model I made, I determined that the width of the cardboard needed to be thinner and the way the cardboard turns needed to be less drastic.

Detailed sketch of third design and edits

Continued detailed sketch of the third design with additional edits drawn on the page after creating the first model.

Final design

This is the final design completely finished and displayed with its intended use.